Trọn Bộ Bài Tập Thì Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành Tiếp Diễn Từ Cơ Bản Đến Nâng Cao (có Đáp Án)

Thảo luận trong 'Sinh Viên Học Tập' bắt đầu bởi Patadovietnam, 26/6/21.

  1. Patadovietnam

    Patadovietnam Thành viên


    Thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn (Past Perfect Continuous) là một trong 16 Thì trong tiếng Anh, trước khi bắt đầu đi sâu vào các dạng bài tập, hãy ôn lại một vài kiến thức trọng tâm của thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn nhé.


    1. Bài tập cơ bản
    Bài 1: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn để hoàn thành câu

    1. She ______ (work) here for five years.
    2. I ______ (study) all day.
    3. You ______ (eat) a lot recently.
    4. We ______ (live) in London for six months.
    5. He _____ (play) football, so he’s tired.
    6. They _____ (learn) English for two years.
    7. I _____ (cook) so I’m really hot.
    8. She ____ (go) to the cinema every weekend for years.
    9. It _____ (rain) the pavement is wet.
    10. You ____ (sleep) for twelve hours.
    11. I ______ (not/work) today.
    12. You _____ (not/eat) well recently.
    13. We _____ (not/exercise) enough.
    14. She _____ (not/study) today.
    15. They _____ (not/live) here for very long.
    16. It _____ (not/snow).
    17. He _____ (not/play) football for five years.
    18. We _____ (not/drink) enough water – that’s why we feel tired.
    19. I ______ (not/sleep), I was reading.
    20. They _____ (not/watch) TV much recently.

    Bài 2: Hoàn thành những câu hỏi dưới đây ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn

    1. How long ……………………………………. for me? (you | wait)
    2. What ……………………………… since he returned? (John | do)
    3. Why …………………………….. meat lately? (you | not eat) There’s so much snow on the road. …………………………………………….. all night? (it | snow)
    4. Why ………………………………………………… for such a long time? (Sam and Mary | argue)
    5. ……………………. my shampoo? There’s not much left. (you | use)
    6. How long ……………………………………… glasses? (Jill | not wear) ……………………………………. since you decided to take the exam? (you | revise)
    7. Where ………………………………………………. lately? (your dad | work)
    8. Your hands are covered with chocolate. …………………………….. a cake? (you | make)

    2. Bài tập nâng cao
    Bài 1: Chia những động từ trong ngoặc ở thì đúng để hoàn thành những hội thoại sau:

    A: George, how long …………… ………………………………….. Japanese? (learn)

    B: Japanese? Wait a minute. For about five years.

    A: What a lovely smell!

    B: My mum …………………………………………….. some cakes. (bake)

    A: Why are your hands so dirty?

    B: I ……………………………………………………… my car. (clean)

    A: You look so tired. You should have a rest.

    B: Should I? But I …………………………………………………….. so hard. (not work)

    A: Why ……………….. Sarah ……………………………………… out lately? (not go)

    B: She broke her leg while she was skiing.

    A: Peter, why are you so noisy? I want to sleep!

    B: Do you mean it? I ………………………………………………… any noise since I got up. (not make)

    A: …………….. you ……………………………………… for a long time? (cough)

    B: Not really. It started the day before yesterday.

    A: Mr. Gregson, how long ……………… you ……………………………………….. English? (not teach)

    B: To tell the truth I’ve never taught English. But I’d like to try it.


    A Hi, Sam. How is your new girlfriend doing?

    B Susan? She ……………………………………………………. to me since we had an argument. (not speak)


    A: Have you heard about the bank robbery in King Street?

    B: Yes, I have. The police ……………………………………………….. for the robbers day and night. (look)

    Bài 2: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn

    1. How often ______ (you clean) the windows this year?
    2. I ______ (work) all day and (just come) home from the office.
    3. The girls _______ (be) at school since 7 o’clock.
    4. We _____ (play) basketball for the last few hours. (play)
    5. I _____ (wait) for the train for half an hour, but it still _____ (not arrive) yet.
    6. She ______ (not cook) anything yet because she _____ (talk) to her neighbour all the time.
    7. She _____ (work) for the company since she graduated from university.
    8. They _____ (live) in Boston since they arrived in the USA ten years ago. (live)
    9. Ben, where have you been? I ______ (wait) for you since 2 o’clock.
    10. My wife is exhausted because she _____ (work) too hard all day. (work)
    11. It ______ (rain) all week. I hope it will stop by Saturday.
    12. She ______ (perform) in eight movies since she began acting.
    13. Jane _____ (work) on the computer for hours, and she (not finish) yet.
    14. The department store is still closed. It ____ (not open) yet.
    15. How many times ____ (you take) this exam?

    3. Đáp án bài tập thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn
    1. Bài tập cơ bản
    Bài 1:

    1. has been working
    2. have been studying
    3. have been eating
    4. have been living
    5. has been playing
    6. have been learning
    7. have been cooking
    8. has been going
    9. has been raining
    10. have been sleeping
    11. have not been working
    12. have not been eating
    13. have not been exercising
    14. has not been studying
    15. have not been living
    16. has been snowing
    17. has been playing
    18. have been drinking
    19. have been sleeping
    20. have not been watching
    Bài 2:

    1. How long have you been waiting for me?
    2. What has John been doing since he returned?
    3. Why have you not been eating | haven’t you been eating meat lately?
    4. Has it been snowing all night?
    5. Why have Sam and Mary been arguing for such a long time?
    6. Have you been using my shampoo?
    7. How long has Jill not been wearing | hasn’t Jill been wearing glasses?
    8. Have you been revising since you decided to take the exam?
    9. Where has your dad been working lately?
    10. Have you been making a cake?

    2. Bài tập nâng cao
    Bài 1:

    1. have you been learning
    2. has been baking
    3. have been cleaning
    4. have not been working
    5. has … not been going
    6. have not been making
    7. have … been coughing
    8. have … not been teaching
    9. has not been speaking
    10. have been looking
    Bài 2:

    1. have you cleaned
    2. have been working all day – have just come
    3. have been
    4. have been playing
    5. have been waiting – have not arrived
    6. has not cooked – has been talking
    7. has been working
    8. have been living
    9. have been waiting
    10. has been working
    11. has been raining
    12. has been acting
    13. has been working – have not finished
    14. has not opened
    15. have you take
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