MUST TRY! 18 Best Shopify Apps To Boost Your Sales In 2021

Thảo luận trong 'Sinh Viên Học Tập' bắt đầu bởi tranlequyen, 6/3/21.

  1. tranlequyen

    tranlequyen Thành viên

    Shopify apps or Shopify plugins serve as tools that have been designed to assist retailers that are in the e-commerce business with Shopify. You can find thousands of Shopify apps that can help you increase conversion, streamline your different processes, and automate mundane tasks apart from doing a plethora of other things. However, we will be focusing on the best Shopify apps to increase sales in 2021.
    These are the apps that help you bring more customers to your e-commerce store, offer them a better customer experience, and ensure that they are satisfied with your store. Furthermore, they also help you reconnect with your customers and transform them into recurring customers. The apps have been selected based on their rating and ease of use. Check out the list of 18 Shopify apps that can help you boost your sales below, and do let us know what you think of it!
    1. Shopify Quick View App

    Developer website: Secomapp
    Key features:
    • Easy to install and run
    • Quick preview of products
    • Easily customizable
    • Good for those with lots of products
    • Can be integrated with Google Analytics
    This app enables your customers to find out more details about products that they like and add them to the cart with a single click. This helps customers save time since no extra loading because of navigating across different pages on your site is involved. Furthermore, it greatly enhances the customer experience.
    The app is easy to use and can be integrated with your Shopify store hassle-free. It also enables you to set up a promotional bar, guarantee label, and sale icon along with the total saved option.
    Price: Free with paid plans starting from $3.99/month.
    2. SEO Booster – the best Shopify SEO app – SEO Marketing

    Developer website: Secomapp
    Key features:
    • Flash SEO
    • Auto SEO optimization
    • Image Alt text update
    • Offers beginner and advanced level approaches
    Campaigning and advertising are incredible ways of increasing your sales; however, they depend on your content. The process is rarely properly optimized for search engines, though. These particular apps help you check your SEO ranking of content, fix it, and optimize it even further, thus helping you attain better rankings. Better SEO rankings can translate into more sales.
    The app notifies you when your image alt-tags aren’t labeled properly. You can use this tool to assess your website’s speed, optimize your on-site blogs, cater to broken links, and much more. You can start with the free version of this app if you’re on a budget and then upgrade to the paid version once your sales improve.
    Price: Free with paid plan starting from $29.99/month.
    3. Senderium

    Developer website: Senderium
    Key features:
    • Bulk SMS
    • SMS scheduling
    • SMS automations
    • MMS messaging
    • Link shorteners
    • Analytics tool
    Senderium is a Shopify app focused on text message marketing. Text message marketing can help you re-engage your existing customers and inform them about different sales, promotions, and new products while giving them a call to action, thus helping you boost your sales.
    With Senderium, you can send customized bulk text messages to different segments of your customers. Besides, you can schedule SMS marketing campaigns in advance, use automation to increase customer engagement, create a pop-up and slide bar menu to grow your subscriber list, and track the results of your efforts.
    Price: Free with paid membership available.
    4. HelpCenter App

    Developer website: HelpCenter
    Key features:
    • FAQ builder
    • HelpDesk ticketing system
    • Live chat for customer support
    HelpCenter app can help you streamline your customer service. It offers you FAQ builder, help desk ticketing, and live chat for your customer support. You can create a branded FAQ page using it. You can also use it to increase the efficiency of your customer service department. HelpDesk ticketing system collects all your communications from different channels in a single location, ensuring easy access whenever you need. Tickets can also be prioritized to ensure that each query is being properly handled.
    Furthermore, it also offers a live chat that can fill in the gap when your customer support isn’t available or busy dealing with other customers.
    Price: Free with paid plans starting from $4/month.
    5. Sixads Paid Advertising

    Developer website:
    Key features:
    • Fast and simple ad set-up
    • Segment targeting
    • Customized style and placements
    • Analytics

    Sixads helps you run high-performing ads on Google, Instagram, and Facebook. It is being used by more than 60,000 happy e-commerce store owners. You can optimize these ads so that they target most likely-to-convert audiences. This leads to a higher number of visitors to your e-commerce store, thus increasing your sales and profits. It’s very easy to set up and doesn’t require any previous experience.
    You simply have to select the products that you want to advertise and enjoy the outcomes. You can also choose automated ad management. You will be able to exchange traffic with other Shopify store owners as well. It can also help you evaluate your business by a growth expert, thus enhancing your ROI.
    Price: Free to install.
    6. Trackr

    Developer website: ParcelTrackr
    Key features:
    • 900+ carriers globally
    • Branded tracking page on your store
    • Real-time order tracking
    • Email notifications
    • Tracking info translation to English, French, Spanish, or Italian
    Trackr offers you access to more than 900 carriers worldwide and can enhance your shipping and order tracking processes. It allows you to create a branded tracking page on your store that customers can use to quickly find out about their current order status.
    The app updates the data on order delivery in real-time, thus providing your customers with accurate information. You can also send customized email notifications that you can perfectly adjust to your overall brand style.
    Price: From $4 per month.
    READ MORE HERE: 18 Best Shopify Apps To Boost Your Sales In 2021
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    C̵a̵l̵l̵ ̵:̵ ̵0̵9̵3̵5̵ ̵9̵1̵7̵ ̵9̵1̵7̵
    Đ̵ị̵a̵ ̵c̵h̵ỉ̵ ̵:̵L̵A̵K̵M̵O̵B̵I̵L̵E̵ ̵-̵ ̵S̵ố̵ ̵4̵ ̵T̵h̵í̵c̵h̵ ̵Q̵u̵ả̵n̵g̵ ̵Đ̵ứ̵c̵,̵ ̵T̵h̵ủ̵ ̵D̵ầ̵u̵ ̵M̵ộ̵t̵,̵ ̵B̵ì̵n̵h̵ ̵d̵ư̵ơ̵n̵g̵.̵(̵ ̵n̵g̵a̵y̵ ̵g̵ó̵c̵ ̵n̵g̵ã̵ ̵b̵a̵ ̵N̵ă̵m̵ ̵s̵a̵n̵h̵)̵ C̷Á̷C̷ ̷M̷Ặ̷T̷ ̷H̷À̷N̷G̷ ̷C̷Ó̷ ̷S̷Ẵ̷N̷ ̷T̷Ạ̷I̷ ̷C̷Ử̷A̷ ̷H̷À̷N̷G̷-̷ ̷C̷Ó̷ ̷B̷Á̷N̷ ̷T̷R̷Ả̷ ̷G̷Ó̷P̷
    C̷a̷l̷l̷ ̷:̷ ̷0̷9̷3̷5̷ ̷9̷1̷7̷ ̷9̷1̷7̷
    Đ̷ị̷a̷ ̷c̷h̷ỉ̷ ̷:̷L̷A̷K̷M̷O̷B̷I̷L̷E̷ ̷-̷ ̷S̷ố̷ ̷4̷ ̷T̷h̷í̷c̷h̷ ̷Q̷u̷ả̷n̷g̷ ̷Đ̷ứ̷c̷,̷ ̷T̷h̷ủ̷ ̷D̷ầ̷u̷ ̷M̷ộ̷t̷,̷ ̷B̷ì̷n̷h̷ ̷d̷ư̷ơ̷n̷g̷.̷(̷ ̷n̷g̷a̷y̷ ̷g̷ó̷c̷ ̷n̷g̷ã̷ ̷b̷a̷ ̷N̷ă̷m̷ ̷s̷a̷n̷h̷)̷ C̸Á̸C̸ ̸M̸Ặ̸T̸ ̸H̸À̸N̸G̸ ̸C̸Ó̸ ̸S̸Ẵ̸N̸ ̸T̸Ạ̸I̸ ̸C̸Ử̸A̸ ̸H̸À̸N̸G̸-̸ ̸C̸Ó̸ ̸B̸Á̸N̸ ̸T̸R̸Ả̸ ̸G̸Ó̸P̸
    C̸a̸l̸l̸ ̸:̸ ̸0̸9̸3̸5̸ ̸9̸1̸7̸ ̸9̸1̸7̸
    Đ̸ị̸a̸ ̸c̸h̸ỉ̸ ̸:̸L̸A̸K̸M̸O̸B̸I̸L̸E̸ ̸-̸ ̸S̸ố̸ ̸4̸ ̸T̸h̸í̸c̸h̸ ̸Q̸u̸ả̸n̸g̸ ̸Đ̸ứ̸c̸,̸ ̸T̸h̸ủ̸ ̸D̸ầ̸u̸ ̸M̸ộ̸t̸,̸ ̸B̸ì̸n̸h̸ ̸d̸ư̸ơ̸n̸g̸.̸(̸ ̸n̸g̸a̸y̸ ̸g̸ó̸c̸ ̸n̸g̸ã̸ ̸b̸a̸ ̸N̸ă̸m̸ ̸s̸a̸n̸h̸)̸ C̴Á̴C̴ ̴M̴Ặ̴T̴ ̴H̴À̴N̴G̴ ̴C̴Ó̴ ̴S̴Ẵ̴N̴ ̴T̴Ạ̴I̴ ̴C̴Ử̴A̴ ̴H̴À̴N̴G̴-̴ ̴C̴Ó̴ ̴B̴Á̴N̴ ̴T̴R̴Ả̴ ̴G̴Ó̴P̴
    C̴a̴l̴l̴ ̴:̴ ̴0̴9̴3̴5̴ ̴9̴1̴7̴ ̴9̴1̴7̴
    Đ̴ị̴a̴ ̴c̴h̴ỉ̴ ̴:̴L̴A̴K̴M̴O̴B̴I̴L̴E̴ ̴-̴ ̴S̴ố̴ ̴4̴ ̴T̴h̴í̴c̴h̴ ̴Q̴u̴ả̴n̴g̴ ̴Đ̴ứ̴c̴,̴ ̴T̴h̴ủ̴ ̴D̴ầ̴u̴ ̴M̴ộ̴t̴,̴ ̴B̴ì̴n̴h̴ ̴d̴ư̴ơ̴n̴g̴.̴(̴ ̴n̴g̴a̴y̴ ̴g̴ó̴c̴ ̴n̴g̴ã̴ ̴b̴a̴ ̴N̴ă̴m̴ ̴s̴a̴n̴h̴)̴ C͟Á͟C͟ ͟M͟Ặ͟T͟ ͟H͟À͟N͟G͟ ͟C͟Ó͟ ͟S͟Ẵ͟N͟ ͟T͟Ạ͟I͟ ͟C͟Ử͟A͟ ͟H͟À͟N͟G͟-͟ ͟C͟Ó͟ ͟B͟Á͟N͟ ͟T͟R͟Ả͟ ͟G͟Ó͟P͟
    C͟a͟l͟l͟ ͟:͟ ͟0͟9͟3͟5͟ ͟9͟1͟7͟ ͟9͟1͟7͟
    Đ͟ị͟a͟ ͟c͟h͟ỉ͟ ͟:͟L͟A͟K͟M͟O͟B͟I͟L͟E͟ ͟-͟ ͟S͟ố͟ ͟4͟ ͟T͟h͟í͟c͟h͟ ͟Q͟u͟ả͟n͟g͟ ͟Đ͟ứ͟c͟,͟ ͟T͟h͟ủ͟ ͟D͟ầ͟u͟ ͟M͟ộ͟t͟,͟ ͟B͟ì͟n͟h͟ ͟d͟ư͟ơ͟n͟g͟.͟(͟ ͟n͟g͟a͟y͟ ͟g͟ó͟c͟ ͟n͟g͟ã͟ ͟b͟a͟ ͟N͟ă͟m͟ ͟s͟a͟n͟h͟)͟ C̳Á̳C̳ ̳M̳Ặ̳T̳ ̳H̳À̳N̳G̳ ̳C̳Ó̳ ̳S̳Ẵ̳N̳ ̳T̳Ạ̳I̳ ̳C̳Ử̳A̳ ̳H̳À̳N̳G̳-̳ ̳C̳Ó̳ ̳B̳Á̳N̳ ̳T̳R̳Ả̳ ̳G̳Ó̳P̳
    C̳a̳l̳l̳ ̳:̳ ̳0̳9̳3̳5̳ ̳9̳1̳7̳ ̳9̳1̳7̳
    Đ̳ị̳a̳ ̳c̳h̳ỉ̳ ̳:̳L̳A̳K̳M̳O̳B̳I̳L̳E̳ ̳-̳ ̳S̳ố̳ ̳4̳ ̳T̳h̳í̳c̳h̳ ̳Q̳u̳ả̳n̳g̳ ̳Đ̳ứ̳c̳,̳ ̳T̳h̳ủ̳ ̳D̳ầ̳u̳ ̳M̳ộ̳t̳,̳ ̳B̳ì̳n̳h̳ ̳d̳ư̳ơ̳n̳g̳.̳(̳ ̳n̳g̳a̳y̳ ̳g̳ó̳c̳ ̳n̳g̳ã̳ ̳b̳a̳ ̳N̳ă̳m̳ ̳s̳a̳n̳h̳)̳ C̼Á̼C̼ ̼M̼Ặ̼T̼ ̼H̼À̼N̼G̼ ̼C̼Ó̼ ̼S̼Ẵ̼N̼ ̼T̼Ạ̼I̼ ̼C̼Ử̼A̼ ̼H̼À̼N̼G̼-̼ ̼C̼Ó̼ ̼B̼Á̼N̼ ̼T̼R̼Ả̼ ̼G̼Ó̼P̼
    C̼a̼l̼l̼ ̼:̼ ̼0̼9̼3̼5̼ ̼9̼1̼7̼ ̼9̼1̼7̼
    Đ̼ị̼a̼ ̼c̼h̼ỉ̼ ̼:̼L̼A̼K̼M̼O̼B̼I̼L̼E̼ ̼-̼ ̼S̼ố̼ ̼4̼ ̼T̼h̼í̼c̼h̼ ̼Q̼u̼ả̼n̼g̼ ̼Đ̼ứ̼c̼,̼ ̼T̼h̼ủ̼ ̼D̼ầ̼u̼ ̼M̼ộ̼t̼,̼ ̼B̼ì̼n̼h̼ ̼d̼ư̼ơ̼n̼g̼.̼(̼ ̼n̼g̼a̼y̼ ̼g̼ó̼c̼ ̼n̼g̼ã̼ ̼b̼a̼ ̼N̼ă̼m̼ ̼s̼a̼n̼h̼)̼ C͛Á͛C͛ ͛M͛Ặ͛T͛ ͛H͛À͛N͛G͛ ͛C͛Ó͛ ͛S͛Ẵ͛N͛ ͛T͛Ạ͛I͛ ͛C͛Ử͛A͛ ͛H͛À͛N͛G͛-͛ ͛C͛Ó͛ ͛B͛Á͛N͛ ͛T͛R͛Ả͛ ͛G͛Ó͛P͛
    C͛a͛l͛l͛ ͛:͛ ͛0͛9͛3͛5͛ ͛9͛1͛7͛ ͛9͛1͛7͛
    Đ͛ị͛a͛ ͛c͛h͛ỉ͛ ͛:͛L͛A͛K͛M͛O͛B͛I͛L͛E͛ ͛-͛ ͛S͛ố͛ ͛4͛ ͛T͛h͛í͛c͛h͛ ͛Q͛u͛ả͛n͛g͛ ͛Đ͛ứ͛c͛,͛ ͛T͛h͛ủ͛ ͛D͛ầ͛u͛ ͛M͛ộ͛t͛,͛ ͛B͛ì͛n͛h͛ ͛d͛ư͛ơ͛n͛g͛.͛(͛ ͛n͛g͛a͛y͛ ͛g͛ó͛c͛ ͛n͛g͛ã͛ ͛b͛a͛ ͛N͛ă͛m͛ ͛s͛a͛n͛h͛)͛

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