MUST KNOW! 5 Profitable holiday marketing campaigns for E-commerce owners (Part 1)

Thảo luận trong 'Sinh Viên Học Tập' bắt đầu bởi tranlequyen, 1/3/21.

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    Needless to say, it is the best time of the year for trading market: holiday season. That means consumers in this period are more willing than ever to go shopping and have their card checked. Therefore, no better time for any E-commerce merchants to put down some thought on creating a stunning marketing campaign.
    There can be numerous hurdles while brainstorming and crafting a marketing idea that speaks up holiday vibe and your business brand. With the view of giving some refined insights into how to make the most of holiday season to have great marketing solution, this article presents you 5 most relevant and successful marketing campaigns. They sure applied multiple outstanding techniques that you can employ on your own store. Today we will discover the most profound ones.
    1. Implementing festive mood into your brand marketing

    Any customers at this period will prefer products or service incorporated with holiday spirit. Therefore, seasonal offers are more likely to drive more sales since shopper are aware that your store is a great place to hunt affordable items. Make sure to promote your seasonal offers widely, especially regarding those with designed holiday collections. A successful example comes from Bob Johnson’s Computer Stuff brand. During Christmas, they put the “Baby, It’s cold outside” song title as the rewindable tagline for the website, which help to provoke visitors’ attentions. Only by implementing a simple movement of holiday-related inspiration, the shop has gained massive sales figures. Data showed that a considerable increase of 200% in the conversion rate through funnel was no joke.
    Making use of holiday season to promote discounted items is one of the easiest way to grab customers' attention
    Another prominent case is from Wayfair and how they set up a profitable marketing campaign at Black Friday Weekend. They simply stressed the discount with a stands-out and the list of product never-sale-before. The results were that there was more than 50% growth in the retail sales. All was achieved within 5 days, thanks to a simple but effective announcement.
    In case you are still thirsty for a fresh juices of creativity, check out the originality of REI #OptOutside campaign. The brand is well-known for being reverse. Closing on Black Friday, the business gives staff a day off to get outdoors. They believe it should be the time for people to reconnect with one another and with nature. By encoring them to provide proof of doing it, the shop recommend they take photos, videos, etc and post it on social media, with their hashtag. The result was stunning with the engagement level higher than ever and more attention was on their campaign. More than 6 million people participated and many other organizations tried to get in, which leveraged the brand recognition to the ceiling.
    2. Give customers the sense of urgency.

    Besides seasonal offers, putting countdown is an old-but-gold way to provoke more buying decision. Any time-limited offer will certainly create the demand to purchase the items for fear of losing that moment. Thing could be more incentive if you include more special deal on these period like free shipping or upgrade size for free. Take a look at the king of e-commerce market Amazon. According to data, nearly 60 million visitor was on this site on Cyber Monday holiday. It all boiled down to the fact that there were numerous discounts for customers to choose to save them a great deal of money.
    Saving the best deal for the last in holiday season to persuade more people to drop in for orders. In the competitive market like fashion industry, it is not uncommon to notice discounts from various stores at this time. However, how dis ASOS do differently that helped that gain around $240 million? Various factors contributed to their success, but some prominent features thrived. It includes using countdown timer with discount codes, early bird pricing, email sent to subscribers.
    Everyone is affected by time factor and if used wisely, a product that has time-limited offer will be more likely to be sold faster
    Knowing that the sense of urgency and holiday spirit input are equally important, but they are not all. There needs to be several other methods that an E-commerce business, especially the new one should master. The three rest of most success holiday marketing campaign will be delivered in upcoming part. Meanwhile, it is wise to remember that no matter how many tips and lessons you may learn from other brands, it is not sufficient. The core factor all lies in your business operation and the product quality. Therefore, don’t neglect that crucial part and consider other professional support, like these helpful Shopify apps, to relieve you from multiple task during holiday season.
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