Chinh Phục Ielts Cùng Bộ Từ Vựng Chủ Đề Hometown Nâng Cao

Thảo luận trong 'Kinh nghiệm và Kỹ năng học tập' bắt đầu bởi Patadovietnam, 21/7/21.

  1. Patadovietnam

    Patadovietnam Thành viên

    Trọn bộ từ vựng IELTS theo chủ đề phổ biến nhất năm 2021
    Từ vựng IELTS chủ đề Music

    1. Location

    • on the outskirts of something (prepositional phrase): ở ngoại ô
      ENG: in the parts of a town or city that are furthest from the centre
    • facilitate something (verb): tạo điều kiện thuận lợi
      ENG: to make an action or a process possible or easier
    • located + adv./prep. (adj): tọa lạc, ở
      ENG: if something is located in a particular place, it exists there or has been put there
    • born and bred (idiom): sinh ra và lớn lên
      ENG: born and having grown up in a particular place with a particular background and education
    • rural exodus (noun phrase): di cư từ vùng nông thôn lên thành thị
      ENG: the migratory pattern of peoples from rural areas into urban areas
    • settle + adv./prep. (verb): định cư
      ENG: to make a place your permanent home
    • city dweller (compound noun): cư dân thành phố
      ENG: a person that lives in the city
    • situated + adv./prep. (adj): tọa lạc, ở
      ENG: if something is located in a particular place, it exists there or has been put there

    2. People
    • amiable (adj): thân thiện
      ENG: pleasant; friendly and easy to like
    • outgoing (adj): hòa đồng
      ENG: liking to meet other people, enjoying their company and being friendly towards them
    • lend somebody a helping hand (idiom): giúp đỡ
      ENG: to help somebody
    • feel a sense of community (verb phrase): cảm thấy thuộc về một cộng đồng
      ENG: to feel that you belong to a community
    • not know jack about somebody/ something (idiom): chẳng biết gì
      ENG: not to understand somebody/ something
    • the hustle and bustle of the city (noun phrase): sự xô bồ, hối hả ở thành phố
      ENG: busy and noisy activities
    • socialize with somebody (verb): giao du, kết bạn
      ENG: to meet and spend time with people in a friendly way, in order to enjoy yourself
    • supportive (adj): có ích, hay giúp đỡ
      ENG: helpful
    • constantly up to one’s ears in something (idiom): suốt ngày bận rộn
      ENG: busy at all times

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