Bài Tập Thì Hiện Tại Tiếp Diễn – Điểm 10 Ngữ Pháp Không Khó

Thảo luận trong 'Sinh Viên Học Tập' bắt đầu bởi Patadovietnam, 26/6/21.

  1. Patadovietnam

    Patadovietnam Thành viên

    Xem thêm:

    Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn (Present continuous) và mọi kiến thức liên quan

    Chinh phục “tất tần tật” mọi kiến thức về các thì trong tiếng Anh


    Ôn tập lại kiến thức thì hiện tại tiếp diễn và những lưu ý khi làm bài tập thì hiện tại tiếp diễn tại đây

    1. Bài tập
    1.1. Bài tập cơ bản
    Bài 1: Viết dạng -ing của các động từ dưới đây

    VD: go → going
    1. take
    2. drive
    3. see
    4. agree
    5. open
    6. enter
    7. happen
    8. try
    9. play
    10. work
    11. speak
    12. get
    13. travel
    14. lie
    15. win
    Bài 2: Nối câu ở cột bên trái với cột bên phải sao cho hợp lý

    1. Please turn down the volume.

    2. Do you have something to eat?.

    3. My family don’t have anywhere to live right now..

    4. I have to come home now.

    5. John doesn’t collect books anymore.

    6. I go to the gym three times a week.

    7. lt isn’t true what they said.

    8. I’m afraid I don’t bring the raincoat..

    a. lt’s getting very late.

    b. They’re lying.

    c. lt’s starting to rain.

    d. He’s trying to sell it.

    e. My children are getting hungry.

    f. She’s trying to sleep.

    g. We’re looking for an affordable house.

    h. I am losing fat.


    Bài 3: Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng động từ trong ngoặc chia ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn

    1. 0. I am not drinking (not drink) wine; it’s only coffee.
    2. My grandfather __________________ (buy) some fruits at the supermarket.
    3. Hannah __________________ (not study) French in the library. She’s at home with her classmates.
    4. __________________ (she, run) in the park?
    5. My dog __________________ (eat) now.
    6. What __________________ (you, wait) for?
    7. Their students __________________ (not try) hard enough in the competition.
    8. All of Jack’s friends __________________ (have) fun at the concert right now.
    9. My children __________________ (travel) around Asia now.
    10. My little brother __________________ (drink) milk.
    11. Listen! Our teacher __________________ (speak).
    Cùng Patado giải mã mọi kiến thức liên quan đến thì tương lai đơn

    Bài 4: Khoanh tròn vào câu trả lời đúng

    1. Where his wife (be) ………………..?
    2. am b. is c. are d. be
    3. Jack (wear) ………………..suit today.
    4. is wearing b. are wearing c. am wearing d. wears
    5. The weather (get) ………………..warm this season.
    6. gets b. are getting c. is getting d. are gets
    7. My kids (be)…………. downstairs now. They (play) …………..chess.
    8. am/ am playing b. is/is playing c. are/are playing d. be/ being
    9. Look! The train (come)…………………
    10. are coming b. is coming c. are coming d. is coming
    11. Alex always (borrow) ………………..me cash and never (give)……………….. back.
    12. is borrowing/ giving b. are borrowing/ giving c. borrows/ giving d. borrow/ giving
    13. While I (do)……………….. my homework, my sister (read) ……………….. newspapers.
    14. am doing/ is reading b. are doing/ is reading c. is doing/ are reading d. am doing/ are reading
    15. Why ……..at me like that? What happened?
    16. do you look b. have you looked c. did you look d. are you looking
    17. I…….in the bathroom right now.
    18. am being b. was being c. have been being d. am
    19. It……..late. Shall we go home?
    20. is getting b. get c. got d. has got
    21. -“Are you ready, Belle?” “Yes, I……………”
    22. am coming b. come c. came d. have came
    23. -Look! That guy………..to break the door of your house.
    24. try b. tried c. is trying d. has tried
    Bài 5: Hoàn thành các câu sau

    1. She/ wash / her hair. => ………………………………………………………………………………………..
    2. It/ snow. => …………………………………………………………………………………………
    3. Jack and Rose/ sit/ on the couch. => ………………………………………………………………………..

    1. It/ rain/ heavily. => ………………………………………………………………………………….
    2. Linda/ learn/ French. => ……………………………………………………………………………………
    3. My dad/ listen/ to the stereo. => ………………………………………………………………………….
    4. My friends/ smoke/ in their rooms. => ………………………………………………………………………..
    5. I/ play/ video games. . => ………………………………………………………………………………..
    6. You/ watch/ movies? => ……………………………………………………………………..
    7. What/ you/ think? => ………………………………………………………………………………..
    8. What/ your two kids/ do? => ………………………………………………………………………………..
    9. It/ snow/ ? => ………………………………………………………………………………..
    10. That computer/ work? => ………………………………………………………………………
    11. Jane/ write/ a novel. => ………………………………………………………………………………..
    12. Why/ you/ cry ? => ………………………………………………………………………………..
    1.2. Bài tập nâng cao
    Bài 1: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn hoặc thì hiện tại đơn

    1. It often __________________ in Ireland (rain).
    2. __________________ there now (rain)?
    3. Susan __________________ to her parents every Sunday night (write).
    4. Stop at once! You __________________ the flowers every time the ball __________________ in the garden (break, land)
    5. Where is Kevin? He __________________ tennis with Sue. (play)
    6. She normally __________________ in Northbridge but she __________________ with friends at the moment. (live, stay)
    7. Hurry up, the teacher __________________ to begin (wait).
    8. I __________________ a word Tim says (not believe).
    1. The new lawnmower __________________ well at the moment (work)
    2. What __________________ do for a living? (you, do)
    3. As a secretary I __________________ hundreds of letters every week (write).
    4. My boss __________________ to change jobs soon (want)
    5. Look! She __________________ in the non- smoking area (smoke)
    6. We __________________ our break now, Mr. Smith (take)
    7. The well-known actor __________________ a lot of fan mail (get)
    8. Dorothy __________________ to read a good novel in her holidays (love)
    9. My brother __________________ Italy the very moment I speak (tour)
    10. Such bad behaviour __________________ me mad (make).
    11. He usually __________________ out on Saturday night. (go)
    12. She __________________ by train to Liverpool today. (depart)
    Bài 2: Hoàn thành chỗ trống trong đoạn văn sau bằng cách chia động từ trong ngoặc sao cho hợp lý

    My driving course ___ (go) well and, to my surprise, I __ (enjoy) it very much. Harry and Liz, who run the driving school in my area, __ (seem) very professional. But what I like most about them is that they __ (feel) like friends rather than teachers. I know I’m making a lot of stupid mistakes (still!) but they keep saying: ‘Don’t worry. You __ (learn). Everybody __ (need) to go through this stage’. They always __ (concentrate) on the positive and __ (support) me in every way. It’s great that Anna from my school __ (do) the course with me. At the moment we __ (practice) different driving manoeuvres. Anna __ (find) them really difficult but she __ (get) better and better. I __ (think) we will both pass our driving test in March.

    2. Đáp án bài tập thì hiện tại tiếp diễn
    2.1. Bài tập cơ bản

    Bài 1:
    1. taking
    2. driving
    3. seeing
    4. agreeing
    5. opening
    6. entering
    7. happening
    8. trying
    9. playing
    10. working
    11. speaking
    12. getting
    13. travelling
    14. lying
    15. winning

    Bài 2:
    1- f

    2- e

    3 – g

    4 – a

    5 – d

    6 – h

    7 – b

    8 – c

    Bài 3:
    1. is buying
    2. is not studying
    3. Is she running
    4. is eating
    5. are you waiting
    6. are not trying
    7. are having
    8. are travelling
    9. is drinking
    10. is speaking
    Bài 4:
    1. b. is
    2. a. is wearing
    3. c. is getting
    4. c. are/are playing
    5. b. is coming
    6. a. is borrowing/ giving
    7. a. am doing/ is reading
    8. d. are you looking
    9. d. am
    10. a. is getting
    11. a. am coming
    12. c. is trying
    Bài 5:
    1. She’s washing her hair.
    2. It’s raining.
    3. Jack and Rose are sitting on the couch.
    4. It’s raining heavily.
    5. Linda’s learning French.
    6. My dad’s listening to the stero.
    7. My friends are smoking in their rooms.
    8. I’m playing video games.
    9. Are you watching movies?
    10. What are you thinking?
    11. What are your two kids doing?
    12. Is it snowing?
    13. Is that computer working?
    14. Jane’s writing a novel.
    15. Why are you crying?

    2.2. Bài tập nâng cao

    Bài 1:

    1. rains
    2. is it raining
    3. writes
    4. break – lands
    5. is playing
    6. lives – is staying
    7. is waiting
    8. don’t believe
    9. is working
    10. What do you do
    11. write
    12. wants
    13. is smoking
    14. are taking
    15. gets
    16. loves
    17. is touring
    18. makes
    19. goes out
    20. is departing
    Bài 2:

    1. is going
    2. enjoy
    3. seems
    4. feel
    5. are learning
    6. needs
    7. concentrate
    8. support
    9. is doing
    10. is practicing
    11. finds
    12. is getting
    13. think
    danh sách diễn đàn rao vặt gov chất lượng