80+ Từ Vựng Ielts Thú Vị Topic People, Personality, Character

Thảo luận trong 'Kinh nghiệm và Kỹ năng học tập' bắt đầu bởi Patadovietnam, 22/7/21.

  1. Patadovietnam

    Patadovietnam Thành viên

    Trọn bộ từ vựng IELTS theo chủ đề phổ biến nhất năm 2021
    Từ vựng IELTS Newspaper

    1. Fair-minded: Đối xử công bằng với mọi người

    E.g: She is one of the most fair-minded people I know.

    2. Thoroughness: Sự tỉ mỉ, chu đáo

    E.g: We are making a thorough investigation.
    This very thorough survey goes back to 1784.
    How thorough is the assessment?

    3. Versatile/ Talented: Tài năng

    E.g: He had been one of the game's most versatile athletes.
    Howard is a talented pianist.
    She has a huge army of young fans, and is extremely talented.

    4. Exceptional: Xuất chúng

    E.g: His translation is exceptional in its poetic quality.
    He's an exceptionally talented dancer.

    5. Utterly brainy: Cực kỳ thông minh

    E.g: Sarah was beautiful utterly brainy.

    6. Life and soul of the class: Linh hồn của lớp học

    E.g: Behold him once more the life and soul of the party.

    7. Soulmate: Bạn thân, bạn tri kỷ

    E.g: Later that year she met Adam and she knew instantly that they were soulmates.

    8. Thirst for knowledge ( /θɜːst/ /fɔːr/ /ˈnɒl.ɪdʒ/): Sự khát khao về kiến thức

    E.g: He spent much of the day in the city’s library, where his thirst for knowledge first developed.

    9. Biggest beneficiary (/ˌben.əˈfɪʃ.ər.i/): Người hưởng lợi lớn nhất

    E.g: It is vital to the French interests, in particular direct payments, because this country is the biggest beneficiary of direct payments.

    10. To set a good example ( /tuː/ /set/ /ə/ /ɡʊd/ /ɪɡˈzɑːm.pəl/): Là tấm gương tốt

    E.g: He was a man who set a good example of extraordinary diligence.

    11. To develop a sense of responsibility (/dɪˈvel.əp/ /ə/ /sens/ /əv/ /rɪˌspɒn.sɪˈbɪl.ə.ti/): Có tinh thần trách nhiệm

    E.g: Four crucial ways to develop sense of responsibility in children.

    12. Straight-A student (/ˌstreɪtˈeɪ/ /ˈstjuː.dənt/) : Sinh viên toàn đạt điểm A

    E.g: Susan is a Straight "A" Student at Harvard


    13. To give Sb a tutorial (/tʃuːˈtɔː.ri.əl/): Giảng bài cho ai

    E.g: My elder sister often gave me a tutorial whenever I had difficulties solving Chemical questions

    14. To leave a major influence on Sb (/liːv/ /ə/ /ˈmeɪ.dʒər/ /ˈɪn.flu.əns/) : Có sự ảnh hưởng lớn đến ai

    E.g: Mrs. Ngoc, my former Literature teacher has left a major influence on me in terms of her dedication towards teaching

    15. To turn to for advice ( /ðiː/ /hæŋ/ /əv/ /ðiː/ /ˈles.ən/) : Xin ý kiến từ ai

    E.g: My mom is always the person that I turn to for advice whenever I have a problem in my life

    16. To get the hang of the lesson: Hiểu bài nhanh

    E.g: My best friend, Huong, could get the hang of the Math lesson in a very short time

    17. To bend over backwards (/ˈbæk.wədz/): Cố gắng hết sức để giúp đỡ ai

    E.g: I really admire Minh when he is disabled but he always bends over backwards to go to school on a regular basis

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